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Searching for a File or Folder in Nested Sub directories of Object Storage Using NirvaShare

Cloud based object storage like AWS S3, Azure Blob, DigitalOcean spaces, etc are invariably used these days and every organization makes use of them for storing huge chunks of data. However, when it comes to searching for a particular file or folder within these object storage, it poses quite a challenge. NirvaShare, an enterprise level file sharing platform solves this problem easily with its built-in Index Service.


Ensure that NirvaShare is installed in your system environment prior to enabling Index Service. Refer the below document to install the same.

Working of Index Service

In NirvaShare, Index is a collection of metadata of all the files in a bucket. Once the Index Service is enabled, users can search for files or folders based on name patterns using the wildcard syntax from several storages like AWS S3, Azure Blob, Google Storage, Wasabi etc. The Index Service scours the Index server extensively and displays the file or folder within a few minutes depending on the number of files present in the container or bucket.

How to Configure and Use Index Service

In order to configure and search for files using the built – in Index Service feature in NirvaShare, you can refer to the following document which comprises of a detailed procedure for the same.

The Index Service in NirvaShare is optimized to handle huge data which can consist of millions of files. Also the Index Service gets automatically updated whenever a new file or folder is added or removed. Thus, you can find any file or folder in nested sub directories of numerous object storages such as Digital Ocean Spaces, Backblaze B2, Linode etc. easily and efficiently.

Searching Files Effectively

The challenges faced in searching for files in object storages like AWS S3, Digital Ocean Spaces, MinIO etc. can be effectively addressed by making use of the Index Service feature of NirvaShare. To know more about sharing files using multiple authentication mechanisms, creating login profiles, searching for files from admin console and user app of NirvaShare you can refer to the documentation in the following link.

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