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Digital Ocean Storage file sharing using FTPS Service

Digital Ocean Storage file sharing using FTPS can now be efficiently carried out using NirvaShare, which is a secure file sharing and access management software. Users have the liberty to choose any of the popular FTP clients for accessing the shared files/folders over a secure connection.


In order to share Digital Ocean Storage files using FTPS you should initially install NirvaShare in your system environment either manually or from Market Place.

To configure the storage, please refer to the documentation below.

Installing FTPS Service

The default NirvaShare installation process does not involve installation of FTPS service. Hence you have to install FTPS manually for which the detailed procedure is given in the below document.

Configuring FTPS Service

To perform Digital Ocean Storage file sharing, the built-in FTP server in NirvaShare has to be enabled and configured. The following document will help in configuring the same. 

FTPS Login Profile

The next step is to create a new FTPS Login profile in NirvaShare to share files from Digital Ocean Storage after configuring FTPS settings. The following steps can aid in creating one.

  • Go to the admin console of NirvaShare and click on Login Profiles.
  • Click on CREATE button from the top right corner.
  • Provide a name for the title.
  • For the Authentication, select FTPS.
  • Click on CREATE.
sharing MinIO

Note – To restrict access to only certain white listed IP address or a range, please refer to Access Restriction with IP Address.


Now we are ready to use FTPS to share Digital Ocean Storage files or folders. To do this, we can create a Share against a folder/file from Digital Ocean storage. The below document will help you to create new Share from the storage. During the Share configuration, ensure that you select the login profile created in the above section for FTPS. You can also create one or more shares and assign the same login profile.

Creating FTP Users

Access users in NirvaShare can be assigned to FTPS service. These users can use any of the FTP client to access the shared files.

access users

To create a new Access User click on CREATE button on the top right corner.

share digital ocean storage files
  • Provide User name, First name, Last name and Email Id.
  • Select the login profile as FTPS and select a login profile from the dropdown.
  • Enable Active
  • Click on CREATE USER
  • To set the password for the user refer to document HERE.
  • One or more access users can be assigned to the login profile of the FTPS service.

At any point, login profile and other user information can be changed by editing the user.

FTPS Client

Access users can use any of the many popular clients, such as FileZilla, Win SCP, Coffee Cup etc. to connect with FTPS server in NirvaShare.

  • To connect,  host name and port are required. Edit the login profile of the FTPS to get these information.
  • Connect using port no. 21
  • FTP username and password will be the Access user assigned to the FTPS login profile.
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