Quick Start
Quick Start To get started, please refer to our Quick Installation Guide
Quick Start To get started, please refer to our Quick Installation Guide
Upgradation We frequently keep improvising our product by incorporating bug fixes and adding new features. We highly recommend you to upgrade to the latest version to make use of all the updated features. Follow the below outlined steps to upgrade to the latest build of NirvaShare. Log in to the Linux console where NirvaShare is …
Authentication Methods The administrator can enable authentication against any of the shared file/folder with users to make it secure and prevent unauthorized access using Login Profile. NirvaShare supports many types of authentication mechanisms and in easier integration with external Identity providers such as Active Directory, Okta, KeyCloak, IAM Identity Center, Salesforce, Google Workspace, etc.Advanced multi-factor …
On-Premise or Cloud VM Installation NirvaShare can be installed in a Linux environment. In this document, we will we will discuss on how to install it in Ubuntu/CentOS environment. Make sure, you have the below system configurations Systems Requirement Installation is very easy and simple. A single install script is made available, that will install …
Settings Most of the common administrative settings can be found under Settings tab. Only Admin or delegated admin users having full access will be able to modify settings. Each of the settings under this section is explained in detail. Each setting can be edited and saved after modifications. Storage Configurations. User app or Share Server …
Sharing A File Or Folder Sharing a File/Folder from object storage with users can be done by creating a Share and granting restrictive access to it. In this document, we will walk you through creating a new Share, setting access permissions, and sharing the same with users. New Share From the NirvaShare Admin Console, click …
Reset Password for Default Super Admin User In situations where the password is forgotten by the default super admin user admin and if there are no other super admin users to reset the password, then in those cases password can be reset using server configuration. In most production deployments, it is recommended to integrate with external …
Cloud Platforms NirvaShare can be installed in any of the cloud platforms. Following are some partner verified platforms, that can be installed with a single click from their respective marketplace.
Change Admin User Password Admin user can change the password by clicking the Change Password menu on the top right corner. Provide a new password along with the current password to change to a new one.