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NirvaShare Installation in a Proxy Environment

NirvaShare is a secure file sharing and access management software which has streamlined the process of file sharing for cloud object storage and it has the capability to integrate with multiple identity providers for SSO. Through this document, let us get to know the configuration required to install NirvaShare where outbound requests pass through a proxy server for Ubuntu OS.


Before installing NirvaShare, ensure that you have the IP/domain and the port number of the proxy server. In the below configurations, we used proxy IP as and port 8888. Please make sure to replace it with your proxy IP and port during installation.

For OS Utilities

  1.  ssh to the linux terminal where NirvaShare has to be installed.
  2.  Make sure to use as sudo root user.
  3. Edit the file /etc/environment and add the following entries at the bottom without removing existing data. Make sure to replace IP and port with your system credentials.
  4. Save the file and Exit.
export HTTP_PROXY=
export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=

For Docker

1. Create a folder using the below command at the said location.

sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d

2. Edit the file /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/proxy.conf and add the following entries.
Make sure to replace the IP and port with your system settings.


3. Save the file and exit.
4. Reload the daemon configuration and restart using below commands.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

5. Logout from the ssh terminal for these changes to take effect.
6. With this the required configurations for proxy is complete.

NirvaShare Installation

After the proxy configurations is complete, it now good to install NirvaShare.

ssh to the Ubuntu terminal and follow NirvaShare installation from the link below to install the software manually.


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