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Configuring NAS Server with NirvaShare
A NAS (Network Attached Storage) is a dedicated file storage system connected to a network. It enables multiple users and devices connected to a particular network to access data from a centralized location. It is commonly used by enterprises to store large volumes of data. In this document, we have provided the steps to configure NAS server in NirvaShare to share and access files securely.
NAS Server Configuration
Depending on the NAS vendor, make sure you configure your NAS server and mount the storage of NAS to local file system inside the VM of NirvaShare.
- SSH into the Linux VM where NirvaShare is installed.
- Create a folder with any name under /var/nirvashare/
Example: /var/nirvashare/file_storage/ - Mount the NAS storage to the above folder.
sudo mount -t nfs /var/nirvashare/file_storage/
NirvaShare Storage Configuration
NAS server can be configured using the below mentioned steps.
- Login to the Admin Console of NirvaShare.
- Navigate to the Settings menu on the left.
- Edit the File Storage.
- Select File System under type of Storage.
- Provide the File System Path of the NAS mount.
- Click TEST to validate storage access.
- Click Save to apply the changes.

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